Student essay competition

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Win £200 and have your work published online

Communicating Europe: Is the EU getting through to you?

Communicating with the public has been a primary concern for the
Barroso Commission since it took office in 2004.
Aiming to put people at the heart of EU policies, the Commission’s
approach is based on three principles:
-listening to the public - taking their views and concerns into
-explaining how EU policies affect their everyday lives
-connecting with people locally - addressing them in their national
or local settings, through their favorite media
(For more details see Europe - getting the message across.)

The European Information Association (EIA) and Europe Direct
Leeds would like to hear your views on how effective this strategy has

Tell us, either from the perspective of your subject discipline or as an
EU citizen, whether the Commission’s approach has been successful
and what its future communication priorities should be.

Competition rules
1. You must be enrolled on a course at a Higher Education institution in
the EU for 2009/2010.

2. Your essay must be between 1200 and 1500 words long (excluding
bibliography, references, footnotes) and written in English.

3. You are allowed only one entry, which must be submitted electronically
as a .doc or .pdf file to by 11 January 2010, with ‘EIA
Essay Competition’ in the subject field.

4. Your entry must clearly state the following:
- Your name
- Your university
- Your course
- Your university email address
- Your telephone number (landline or mobile)

5. It must also include a statement confirming that the essay is your own

6. Judging will be by a panel of EU information experts, whose decision
will be final.

7. The author of the winning entry will receive a prize of £200 and have
their essay published on the websites of the European Information
Association and Europe Direct Leeds. No alternative prizes are

8. The EIA and Europe Direct Leeds reserve the right to publish other
selected entries on their websites.
Images of Mr Barroso © European Communities, 2009


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