Latin America, Social Entrepreneurship & YOUth

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Our generation has had enough bad news from Latin America that has put us in a pessimistic mood! We don’t want to be “informed” anymore about the extent of corruption, the inability to overcome the poverty trap, sensationalised drug trafficking and organised crime. We actually want to find out what we can do against it together with like-minded young Latin Americans.

This is where Europeans United for Informed Action (EUforIA) comes in. We want to show young people means for an effective and meaningful cooperation, to find solutions to these challenges. Only like this can we find a way out of our passiveness to engage actively in the promotion of sustainable development in Latin America.

Am I needed for this? Yes, YOU are the one we need and you’re not going to be alone at the EUforIA Latin American Youth Summit 2010 (ELAYS ’10)!

From February 26 to 28, 2010, 150 students from all over Europe and Latin America will meet in Geneva for a Youth Summit on Social Entrepreneurship in Latin America. During a three-day interactive conference, Social Entrepreneurship projects from Latin America, that have been selected beforehand, will be presented by young change makers from Latin America. They will be criticised and finally converted into realisable projects. Participants will get the chance to not only help with the development of the projects but also with its realisation after the conference and to assume concrete tasks and responsibilities or even manage them.

Selected students from Latin America will get the chance to participate in the summit. They will be able to share their vision of a more promising future with the European students and present their concrete projects with which they plan to make that future reality. During workshops, panel discussions and group sessions the projects will be presented and substantiated to lay the base for further teamwork.

We want to connect young and motivated people from Latin America that aspire to get involved in the sustainable development of their own society with like-minded students from Europe that would like to join forces with them. We intend to take advantage of these groups’ complementarities such as the need of action, financial possibilities, commitment and competences to create new transnational youth projects.

To make sure that the projects are really realisable we count on the professional advise of social entrepreneurship experts who will help and advise EUforIA and the young social entrepreneurs from the announcement to the selection and the validation of the projects at the actual event. In addition to that, we are looking to offer them some initial financing so they can go straight into action after the event.

In order for the young adults from overseas to get an impression of Europe as a geographical entity a one-week-tour though Europe will precede the conference. Knowing that friendships contribute to a prosperous collaboration, the exchange between the participants should be possible in a more informal setting too. Therefore, we will organize the screening of a Latin American movie and share a night of Latin American dancing and music.

The diverse continent Latinoamérica is on the move. A lot of organisations are involved and work with the government and the population on similar challenges. There are many different ways to get involved for Europeans. However, in many development projects it is just as uncertain as it is difficult to assure acceptable levels of quality and efficiency.

How do I know that I’m not harming the country or the town more than I am actually helping them? How can I make sure that the time and energy I invest will really make a difference? If you are looking for answers to these questions then you best get them yourself at the ELAYS’09 in Geneva!

For more information about the event, applications and/or joining the organization team please contact Nathan and Nayra. Registration for the event will most likeably begin in the beginning of 2010.


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