Kancelarija za mlade Palilula organizuje kurseve računara, stranih jezika,...

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Kancelarija za mlade Palilula Vas poziva na novi ciklus kurseva racunara,
stranih jezika, gestovnog govora, glume i crtanja.

Kod nas mozete uciti engleski , francuski , nemacki , italijanski,
spanski, ruski, grcki i arapski jezik sa iskusnim profesorima, po vise
nego povoljnim cenama.

Na kursevima racunara mozete nauciti osnove informacionih tehnologija, rad
sa operativnim sistemima (windows), office paket (word, excel, power
point,publisher) i rad sa bazama podataka. Program kurseva racunara je
usaglasen sa ECDL programom.

Novo u nasem klubu su vikend radionice koje ce se odrzavati jednom
mesecno, subotom ili nedeljom. Mozete prisustvovati na sledecim
Joomla CMS, PHP, HTML, CSS, Dreamweaver, rad sa blogom,pisanje CV-ja i
motivacionog pisma, vestine komunikacije, timski rad.

Svi zainteresovani se mogu prijaviti svakog radnog dana, od 11 do 16
casova u prostorijama Omladinskog kluba Cvijiceva, Cvijiceva 112.

Dodatne informacije mozete dobiti i putem mejl adrese:
kursevi@kzmpalilula.rs ili na telefon: 011/32 94 733.

Prijavljivanje traje od 21. septembra do 1 oktobra
Kursevi pocinju 5 oktobra

Beogradskoj berzi potrebni volonteri

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Beogradska berza u saradnji sa Puškicama traži volontere koji će učestvovati u pripremi Osme međunarodne konferencije beogradske berze.

Studenti - volonteri će biti angažovani u periodu od 16. do 20. novembra na poslovima:
- pripreme (pakovanja) i distribucije materijala namenjenog učesnicima Konferencije,
- asistiranja prilikom evidentiranja učesnika Konferencije,
- pripreme sale u kojoj će se održati događaj,
- asistiranja tokom održavanja panela, u smislu prinošenja mikrofona i slušalica za prevod učesnicima diskusije itd.

Svi volonteri će takođe imati priliku da besplatno prisustvuju predavanjima koja će se održati 19. i 20. novembra.

Prijave slati na email: info@puskice.org. Prijava treba da sadrži Vaše ime, prezime, broj mobilnog telefona, email, godinu studija i smer. U naslovu mail-a obavezno staviti "Prijava za volontere - Beogradska berza".Više informacija o ovogodišnjoj Konferenciji Berze možete pogledati na internet stranicama: http://www.belex.rs/k08/index.htm

Novinarsko-urednička škola

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Ukoliko ste ambiciozni i želite da steknete ili usavršavate znanja iz oblasti novinarstva i medija, upišite usmerenu edukaciju u Novinarsko-uredničkoj školi kompanije Color Press Group.

Najbolji polaznici imaće priliku da postanu deo tima koji radi magazine Lepota i zdravlje, CKM, Joy, Bravo, Bravo Girl, Moja beba, Brava Casa, MobiTech, ScreenFun, Moja kosa i mnoge druge.

Prijave za novu generaciju Novinarsko-uredičke škole traju do 15. oktobra. Cena troomesečnog kursa je 8.000 dinara + PDV (10.200 dinara), a nastava će se odvijati subotom u prostorijama CPG u Novom Sadu.

Zainteresovani mogu da se jave na telefon Odeljenja edukacije 021/4897101 ili e-mail production@color.rs

SEE-ERA.NET PLUS Joint Call for European Research Projects

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As a continuation of the successful cooperation within the SEE-ERA.NET project, a Joint Call for European Research Projects is launched on September 1, 2009 within the SEE-ERA.NET PLUS project.

We would hereby like to inform you that a Joint Call for European Research Projects is launched on September 1, 2009 as part of the SEE-ERA.NET PLUS project.

The participating countries are: Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia), EU Member States (Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Greece, Romania and Slovenia) and Turkey as an FP7 Associated Country.

The following themes/thematic areas will be supported through the call:

Software systems for learning process management and support
ICT for energy efficiency

Preservation of indigenous species and traditional food products (in SEE/WBC)
Interdisciplinary field: Land use impact in agriculture on biodiversity

This call is aimed at projects with a duration of one to two years.
The total budget for the call is €3.5 million. The funds will be provided by the participating countries and the European Commission. Each approved project will receive up to €150,000.

Minimum conditions for participation: the consortium has to consist of at least two partners from the Western Balkan countries and one from other participating countries (2+1 principle).

A two-stage online application procedure will be used. In stage one, the applicants will be asked to submit an Expression of Interest, not a full project proposal. After the evaluation procedure, the research teams whose EoI are ranked highly will be asked to submit full project proposals.

Please find the call text and relevant information in the section of the call text (http://plus.see-era.net/pjc/calltext.html).

Please be aware that the deadline has been prolonged!
New Deadline for submission of Expression of Interest (EoI): 3 November 2009, 16:00 CET


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Objavljuje konkurs za upis studenata na:


1. Broj slobodnih mesta za upis studenata:
U okviru studijskog programa se može upisati ukupno 30 studenata iz regiona, i to:

- 6 studenata čije je prebivalište u Republici Srbiji
- 3 najbolja kandidata iz Srbije imaju pravo na stipendiju
- stipendiju holandske Vlade u iznosu od 4.000 Eura dodeljuje organizacija SPARK
- Školarina za državljane Srbije iznosi 95.000 RSD

2. Uslovi konkurisanja:
Završene osnovne akademske studije u trajanju od četiri godine i stečenih 240 ESPB.

3. Konkursni rok:
do 1. oktobra 2009. godine

4. Dokumentacija koja se podnosi prilikom prijavljivanja kandidata:
Pored popunjenog prijavnog lista (nalazi se na web sajtu Katedre www.unescochair.uns.ac.rs), kandidati treba da dostave i:
- overenu fotokopiju diplome iz koje se vidi da kandidat ima minumum 240 ESPB - kratku biografiju (na engleskom jeziku)
- motivaciono pismo (na engleskom jeziku)

Potrebnu dokumentaciju dostaviti na adresu:
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 7, 21000 Novi Sad
Za UNESCO Katedru za studije preduzetništva (kancelarija ITC 308)
Ili skeniranu dokumentaciju na e-mail adresu: unescochair.ns@gmail.com

5. Kriterijumi za utvrđivanje redosleda kandidata na rang listi:
Utvrđeni su Pravilnikom Univerziteta u Novom Sadu o upisu studenata na studijske programe (član 3).

6. Način i rokovi za podnošenje žalbi na utvrđeni redosled:
Žalbe se podnose pismenim putem Komisiji za upis, u roku od 36 sati od objavljivanja preliminarne rang liste.

Poziv za web startup-ove iz Srbije

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Blog Adriatalk objavio je konkurs za web startup projekte i aplikacije sa područja Srbije, koje se izdvajaju inovativnošću, i drugačijim pristupom.

Saznajte šta je potrebno da biste prijavili svoj projekat: adriatalk.com

Volonterski program Grupe 484

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Volonterski rad u Grupi 484 pruža Vam mogućnosti:

* bavljenja društveno korisnim radom i ispunjenja životnih i profesionalnih ciljeva,
* aktivnog učešća u rešavanju problema ugroženih grupa i drugih društvenih problema,
* aktivnog učešća u menjanju i poboljšanju lokalne zajednice i društva,
* edukacije i stručnog usavršavanja,
* sticanja radnog iskustva i preporuka za vaše buduće poslodavce,
* obavljanje studentske prakse,
* sticanje prijatelja, ali i poslovnih kontakata...

... i još mnogo toga!

Volonterski klub Grupe 484 ima svoje aktivnosti u svim mestima u kojima se realizuju projekti Grupe 484. Volonteri su pretežno srednjoškolci i studenti ali ne postoji starosno niti bilo kakvo drugo ograničenje. Naša najstarija volonterka ima 85 godina. Spektar volonterskih aktivnosti je širok koliko i spektar aktivnosti same organizacije. U najgrubljim crtama, ovo su oblasti mogućeg volontiranjа:

* Konkretna podrška ranjivoj populaciji: radioničarski rad, prikupljanje humanitarne pomoći, informativna i pravna pomoć, upoznavanje sa institucijama u lokalnoj zajednici, traženje stipendija i posla, zdravstveni pregledi, edukacija i informisanje...
* Istraživački rad: osmišljavanje metodologije istraživanja, izrada, primena i obrada upitnika, „desk istraživanje“, pravna analiza, pisanje rada ili „policy papira“
* Zagovaračke aktivnosti: kampanje(ulične akcije, medijske kampanje i sl.), konferencije, konsultativni procesi (sastanci, okrugli stolovi)
* Programi za mlade: radionice, istraživanje istorije svakodnevnog života, rad u multikulturnim sredinama
* Administrativna i logistička podrška realizaciji projekata: pisanje ugovora, kontaktiranje učesnika/ca aktivnosti i hotela, podrška radu finansijoj i administrativnoj službi.
* Aktivnosti podrške funkcionisanju organizacije: prikupljanje informacija o aktivnostima Grupe 484 i redovno ažuriranje web site; osmišljavanje i izrada promotivnog materijala Grupe 484; osnaživanje i dalje razvijanje volonterske grupe; uspostavljanje saradnje sa profitnim sektorom


DRUID-DIME Academy Winter Conference 2010

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First call for papers for the
DRUID-DIME Academy Winter Conference 2010
for doctoral students in

Hotel Comwell Rebild Bakker, Aalborg, Denmark

January 21 at 3 pm – January 23 at 3 pm

The conference is open for all PhD students working within the broad field of economics and management of innovation and organizational change. We invite papers aiming at enhancing our understanding of the dynamics of technological, structural and institutional change at the level of firms, industries, regions and nations. DRUID is the node for an open international network - new partners are always of interest (we of course encourage DRUID Academy PhD students and students connected to the DIMETIC PhD program to submit an abstract as well). Do not hesitate to apply even if you have not been in contact with DRUID previously.

The conference is organized by the DRUID Academy for Doctoral Education and Training in collaboration with the EU 6th Framework Network of Excellence DIME Consortium (Dynamics of Institution and Markets in Europe).

The main emphasis is on PhD presentations. Each PhD student paper will be assigned to a “junior” (a fellow PhD student) and to a senior discussant (from DRUID faculty or invited guests). There will also be a series of keynote speakers in the program. The details of the program, titles of keynote presentations etc. will be continuously updated at the DRUID homepage.


All doctoral students who wish to present a paper at the DRUID-DIME Academy Winter 2010 Conference must submit an one-page abstract (no more, no less, no tables or graphs, a few key references are allowed on page two) before the deadline of November 2, 2009 (Twelve noon, Central European Time) through the conference website www.druid.dk/winter2010. (Submission site opens on September 21, 2009.


The abstract should start with the title of your submission, followed by your name, affiliation, year of enrolment, expected final date, and e-mail address. This information is to come before the body of the abstract, which should be written in plain text (that is, without bullet-points or other special codes). The abstract should focus on your own contribution, not on what the existing literature has said. A few lines reviewing the existing literature is helpful, but only to position your contribution in the context of that literature. The abstract should mirror the full paper and should: 1) briefly describe the existing state-of-the-art; 2) explain the research gap that you are trying to fill; 3) give your main theoretical arguments; 4) spell out our method (and data, if an empirical paper); and 5) present your results. Submission of an abstract gives the organizers permission to disseminate it and the accompanying paper electronically or place it on the website. We reserve the right to reject abstracts, which do not comply with the above requirements.

Conference fee

Each participant will be charged a fee of Euro 350. The fee, DIME and the DRUID Academy will cover the expenses during the DRUID-DIME Winter Conference regarding the hotel and food from Thursday January 21 after lunch until Saturday January 23, lunch included. As our resources for financial support are limited, we strongly encourage you to seek local finance for your costs. In case you cannot find local finance, you can apply for support by the DRUID Academy by sending an e-mail with information on why you need support to winter2010@druid.dk when you submit your abstract. Local co-finance would be helpful in the latter case.


Submission site is open for submission: September 21, 2009
Deadline for abstract submission: November 2, 2009 (Twelve noon, CET)
Decision of abstract acceptance: November 16, 2009
Deadline for registration and payment of conference fee: December 21, 2009
Deadline for submission of final paper: January 4, 2010 (Twelve noon, CET)
Final program available: January 18, 2010

Conference Organizers

Christian R. Østergaard (Chair), René N. Nielsen, and Jeanette Hvarregaard (Secretary)

Essay competition and workshops Cultural Pluralism Revisited: Religious and Linguistic Freedoms

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Cultural Pluralism Revisited: Religious and Linguistic Freedoms

The Irmgard Coninx Foundation is a non-profit-organization aiming at the promotion of public debates on issues relating to transnationality. In order to achieve this goal the Irmgard Coninx Foundation - in association with the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB), Humboldt-University Berlin, and the European Association for Education Law and Policy (ELA) - organizes these Berlin Roundtables on Transnationality and awards three-month research grants among the participants of the Roundtables.

Berlin Workshops

Based on an international essay competition, approximately 40 applicants will be invited to discuss their research and ideas with prominent scholars in Berlin. The Irmgard Coninx Foundation will cover travel to and accommodation in Berlin.
Irmgard Coninx Research Grant

An international jury will award two three-month fellowships to be used for research at the WZB, the Humboldt-University and the Berlin State Library. The grant includes a monthly stipend of EUR 1,000 plus accommodation in Berlin.

Application Procedure

Essays to be submitted in English! The jury will only accept unpublished manuscripts.
Participants of the essay competition are required to declare: The essay submitted is the work of only the individual whose name appears on the front page as the author; any parts taken from other sources are appropriately referenced in the essay. No co-authorship will be accepted.
Please submit the manuscript as a word document, no longer than 2500 words total, a narrative biography (250 words), and a CV with publication list (no longer than 400 words).
Every essay must include a two hundred words abstract.

Competition Details

The competition is open to scholars (maximum 5 years after Ph.D.) as well as practicioners and journalists with relevant backgrounds. Essays may address empirical research and/or theoretical issues related to the topic.

Deadline for essay submission: January 15, 2010

more information: Irmgard Coninx Foundation

Škola kreativnog dramskog pisanja

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Da li ste nekad poželeli da se vaša drama izvede na sceni?

Ako jeste, prijavite se za tromesečnu Radionicu kreativnog dramskog pisanja koju vodi dramaturg Aleksandar Novaković u AKUD Lola u Resavskoj.

Šta je na programu?

Dosta pisanja, vežbi i upoznavanja sa osnovama dramaturgije i istorijompozorišta. Predviđena su i neka iznenađenja.

Koji su uslovi?

Da imate između 18 i 25 godina i dobru volju a to nije teško, zar ne?

Kako da se prijavimo?

Pošaljite svoj CV sa osnovnim podacima i kontaktima (adresa, mobilnitelefon i sl.) i neko kratko pisanije poizboru (ne mora biti drama) ne duže od pet stranica na e-mail: alnov75@yahoo.com

Konkurs traje do 10. oktobra pa zato požurite.

Dodatne informacije?

Na telefon. 011 32 33002

Cornell University – 2009 BoP Narrative Esaay Competition

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2009 BoP Narrative Esaay Competition – Base of pyramid (BoP)
Learning Laboratory – Cornell University

Introduction: The BoP Learning Laboratory has announced details of its 2009 BoP Narrative Competition. See below for details. The 2009 BoP Narrative Competition has been created to help identify cutting-edge experiences of business innovation in underserved or marginalized communities. Winning submissions must clearly articulate a business challenge that an organization working in low-income communities is striving to overcome, in addition to the resulting business model or initiative. Experiences and business models may be successful or unsuccessful, provided the challenge and solution-attempt is elaborated upon. Organizations highlighted may be either non-profit or for-profit enterprises. Initiatives highlighted should illustrate a unique approach to poverty alleviation through an innovative product, service, technology, or business model.

This competition is looking for short essays illustrating BoP enterprises that meet the following three criteria:

They are based on private-sector business models that are locally transformational. In other words, the business creates mutual value, such as capacity building and wealth creation, for both the community and the enterprise. Implicit in this is the expectation that the business will be partner-intensive in an effort to achieve the greatest success.

A strong element of the Triple Bottom Line must be embedded in the business strategy – consideration of the environmental, societal, and economic impacts of the business. There must be motivation displayed to improve the quality of life for the community while simultaneously being sensitive to normative culture. Simply creating economic activity without regard for the local environment, community, or cultural impact is not in the vein of a BoP Enterprise.

There must exist the potential and an aspiration for scale and replication. The inability to grow and expand a business fails to meet the objective of transforming the local society and economy.

Rules: 500-1000 words / Written in English / Microsoft Word or Text format / Double-spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font
Joint authorship is permitted / Each co-author’s personal information must be submitted with the narrative / More than one submission is permitted per person.

Open to all – professionals and students. No geographic restrictions. This competition may be of particular interest to students of business, development, journalism and the social sciences working in unique situations for the summer or exposed to unique experiences in economically challenged areas of the world.

Awards: Submissions will be divided into two categories, Developing Country Businesses and Developed Country Businesses. Winners will be announced on or about February 1, 2010. The winners will be asked to submit a short biography and photo to be used in publicity. The award will be presented to the author(s). We reserve the right not to award all categories in the event that the quality of submissions inadequate.

Submissions will be reviewed though a double blind process. Judges will be looking at the following criteria when reviewing the submissions: quality of the writing (grammatically correct, logical, etc.); whether or not it is an innovative business model; is it economically viable; and does it take into consideration the social and/or environmental impact of the business; and whether or not it is scalable/replicable in other regions.

Closing Date: 11th October, 2009

BoP Narrative Competition
Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise
Cornell University
142 Sage Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853

Email: bop(AT)johnson.cornell.edu

Source: http://www.nextbillion.net/blog/2009/08/29/bop-narrative-essay-competition-announced

Austrian Student Scholars Conference

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October 30-31, 2009

Grove City College will host the Austrian Student Scholars Conference, October 30 - 31, 2009. Open to undergraduates and graduate students in any academic discipline, the ASSC will bring together students from colleges and universities across the country to present their own research papers written in the tradition of the great Austrian School intellectuals such as Ludwig von Mises, F.A. Hayek, Murray Rothbard, and Hans Sennholz. Accepted papers will be presented in a regular conference format (see the schedule below) to an audience of students and faculty. Keynote lectures will be delivered by Drs. Walter Block and Benjamin Powell.

Cash prizes of $1,000, $750, and $500 will be awarded for the top three papers, respectively, as judged by a select panel of Grove City College faculty. Hotel accommodations will be provided to all students who travel to the ASSC to present their papers. Limited stipends are available for travel expenses. Students should submit their proposals to present a paper to the director of the conference (jmherbener@gcc.edu) by October 1. To be eligible for the cash prizes, finished papers should be submitted to the director by October 15.

COntunue reading: HERE


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Prague, January 4th - 9th, 2010

The 19th International Youth Leadership Conference is a week-long youth forum on world politics, international relations and justice.

In January we will be welcoming 100 students from 40 different countries for an open-minded exchange of diverse perspectives on contemporary global challenges. The IYLC blends social interaction with cultural and academic components to create a cohesive experience that promotes cross-cultural youth participation and socially responsible leadership.

The International Youth Leadership Conference proactively involves its participants in

* Simulation of the UN Security Council Meeting
* International Criminal Court Mock Pre-Trial
* Model European Parliament Proceedings
* Visits to foreign embassies, Senate of the Czech Republic, other governmental and non-governmental institutions
* Group debates and panel discussions on international security and justice, environmental sustainability, non-discrimination, leadership ethics and responsible policy-making
* Meetings and banquet dinners with leading experts, diplomats, politicians and businessmen


In the coming months, Civic Concepts International will be awarding 30 scholarships in a form of substantial conference fee reduction to students who come from unprivileged communities around the world. We hope that these scholarships will enable students from Sub-Saharan Africa, South-East Asia, Middle East, Latin America, the Carribeans, the Pacific and many other regions to attend the 19th International Youth Leadership Conference in Prague.

Application Deadlines

The deadlines for the application rounds this month are September 10th, September 20th and September 30th. Successful candidates will be notified within 5 days after the completion of the corresponding round!
find out more at: http://www.czechleadership.com

United Nations International Student Conference Amsterdam

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UNISCA stands for the United Nations International Student Conference of Amsterdam: A unique interdisciplinary course offered by the University of Amsterdam. UNISCA offers you an interesting addition to all university courses by introducing you to the world of the United Nations. The course aims at creating a realistic simulation of a United Nations conference, in which you will be given the opportunity to develop your diplomatic skills on an academic level. The course includes three lecture days in the period October-December 2009 and a conference week that will take place from 8-15 January 2010 We look forward to welcome you as a participant. Register now and earn 10 ECs!


Excellent students with 90ECs and above
The course: October-December 2009
The Conference: 8-15 January 2010
Would you like to experience UNISCA from a different point of view, and still earn 10 ECs? Become a Chair for one of the committees during the Conference or make a difference by becoming a journalist and joining the Press Department!!!

Register before the 1st of October 2009!

chek the < a href="http://www.unisca.org/" target="blank">UNISCA site<7a> for further information

Kratak kurs tehnologije brendinga

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Kratak Kurs Tehnologije Brendinga

Kreiranje imidža i upravljanje reputacijom

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Prva Konferencija Društva Srbije za odnose s javnošću

15. do 17. okobra 2009, godine
Hotel Galleria/ Subotica

Predavači na ovoj konferenciji će biti istaknuti stručnjaci iz oblasti odnosa s javnošću iz Srbije, Hrvatske, Slovenije i SAD-a. U okviru konferencije će biti održana panel diskusija sa temom “Kako do bolje reputacije Srbije?” kao i predstavljanje pobednika konkursa „PRiznanje 09“.

Članovi Društva Srbije za odnose s javnošću: RSD 4.500
Ostali učesnici: RSD 9.500
Članovi Udruženja iz zemalja u regionu imaju popust na kotizaciju u
visini od 10%.

više informacija na: DSOJ

MICROFINANCE EVENT: Micro Health Insurance Conference 2009, December 2-3, 2009 Organized by Pro Micro Health Insurance (MHI) Africa in Lilongwe, Malaw

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Event Name: Lessons Learnt and Lessons to Learn in the Field of Micro Health Insurance in Africa

Event Date: December 2-3, 2009

Event Location: Lilongwe, Malawi, Malawi Institute of Management

See Our Comprehensive Event Calendar Here: http://microfinanceassociation.ning.com/events


Conference fee for citizens of Malawi: 2500 MWK

Conference fee for internationals: €50

The conference fee must be paid in advance using bank transfer to the following bank account:

National Bank of Malawi

P.O Box 13, Zomba

A/c Name: Pro-MHI Project; A/c N°: 0141137155500


The registration fee can be waived for Malawians and Internationals who demonstrate need. This fee in part covers lunch and tea as well as one common dinner.

Who Should Attend?

Various microinsurance stakeholders in Africa and worldwide

Summary of Event:

The international Pro MHI Africa team will hold a final conference at the end of their two year project in December 2009 in Lilongwe. The project analyses the efficiency and sustainability of local micro health insurance units in Ghana, Botswana and Malawi. Common research results and general outcomes of the two year project will be presented at the conference and hence new information on the potential, efficiency and sustainability of Micro Health Insurance in Botswana, Ghana and Malawi will disseminated [1].

Event Theme and Topics:

* Challenges of MHI in Africa
* Insurance education
* Internal conditions of MHI
* External context of MHI
* MHI in Malawi

Background on Organizer:

Department for Cooperative Studies of the University of Cologne is an Academic Institution in Cologne, Germany. The department is engaged in research and teaching activities related to cooperative forms of micro finance, including savings and credit services as well as other financial products such as insurance services. Its regions of operation include Latin America and the Caribbean, Sub-Saharan Africa, and South Asia [2].

Pro MHI Africa is an EU-African university network consisting of a team of researchers from four universities in Botswana, Germany, Ghana and Malawi. The network aims to analyse the potential, efficiency and sustainability of Micro Health Insurance. The Pro MHI Africa team has been conducting a comparative household survey in Botswana, Ghana and Malawi and at the same time developing common teaching and training modules in the field of Micro Health Insurance for university students as well as microinsurance practitioners.

Pro MHI Africa is kindly funded by the ACP-EU Cooperation Programme in Higher Education (EDULINK). A programme of the ACP Group of States, with the financial assistance of the European Union. EDULINK is the first ACP-EU Cooperation Programme in Higher Education. The programme aims to foster capacity building and regional integration in the field of higher education through institutional networking, and to support a quality higher education system that is relevant to the needs of the labour market and consistent with ACP socio-economic development priorities [1].

Registration: The registration deadline for this conference is November 10, 2009. Registration forms can be submitted via fax (+49-221-470 5064) or online. Forms are available at: http://www.microhealthinsurance-africa.org/registration.html.

For additional information, please contact:

Lisa-Marie Rohrdantz

Pro MHI Africa c/o Department for Cooperative Studies of the University of Cologne


50923 Cologne, Germany

Telephone: +49-221-470 2646
Fax: +49-221-470 5064

Email: lisa-marie.rohrdantz@uni-koeln.de

Regarding hotel reservations and access to the conference venue, please contact Dr. Winford Masanjala: wmasanjala@chanco.unima.mw or economics@chanco.unima.mw, Phone: +265-999425100 or +265-1951135,

Fax: +265-1525021.

By: Diya Chopra, Research Associate


[1] Pro MHI Africa


[2] Microfinance Gateway


“The Role of Youth to Establish Peace, Toward a Future World without Violent Radicalization”

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Venue: Marbella Hotel, Banten, Indonesia
September 28 to October 1, 2009.


The International Youth Conference is a creative space for 150 talented youth from around countries in the world to share their experiences, thought, awareness and understanding on how to establish peace. This event will be organized by the State Ministry of Youth and Sport of Republic of Indonesia, National Commission of Indonesia to UNESCO of the Ministry of National Education in Collaboration with UNESCO Jakarta Office, Local Government of Banten and West Java Provinces. Theme: “The Role of Youth to Establish Peace, Toward a Future World without Violent Radicalization”

The conference would be held on September 28 to October 2, 2009, in Banten and Bandung West Java, Indonesia. The agendas of the Conference are Seminar, Working Group Discussion, Focus Group Discussion, Fieldtrip, etc.


Total participants are expected about 150, aged 18-30 years old from around the world will be selected by the committee. The qualification : interested in peace issues, representative of youth organizations or institutions, have a good command in English to actively participate in discussion, and interested in youth development. The Registration of participants should have been received by the committee before September 11, 2009. (deadline). All participants are advised to submit the duly completed registration forms to the Secretariat by fax +62 (21) 5738150/52 and preferably by email no later than deadline time. Therefore, all detail of flight information should be received by September 17 2009. For registration form could be downloading at www.kemenegpora.or.id.

The committee will cover accommodation, meal, local transport and conference package. The participant should cover international airfare travel expenses and personal expenses: telephone call, telephone call to mobile phone, messages transmitted via telex or facsimile, laundry, other hotel services, etc.

For Accomodation : all participant will be accommodated in Marbela Hotel, Banten Province for 28-30 September 2009 and in Bandung Hotel, West Java Province on 1-2 October 2009.

All participant must register and obtain their identification passes at the Registration Counter. For identification and security purposes, all participants are requested to wear their identification passes at all times during the conference and including for fieldtrip and sightseeing.


The committee will provide transportation from and to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport to the Hotel, as well as local transport during the conference.


• Participants are requested to contact the Embassies of Indonesia in their respective countries on the visa requirements.

• Foreign participants for the conference can proceed to the Conference Counter at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, and for their transportation to the hotel will be greeted by a Liason Officer at the airport hall.

• Each participant is responsible for their own baggage collection upon arrival at the airport to the hotel.

• On departure, the participants will be escorted by LOs to the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport of Jakarta.


The Organizer will make every effort to ensure all participants in good health during their stay in Banten and West Java. Hygienic food and clean water will be provided for all meals. Participants requiring special meals such as vegetarian food should inform the Organizer in advance. Food served during the program is halal food. Participants should bring their own medicine, if required, and inform the Organizer of any special medical needs. While general medical services will be provided by the Committee, it is strongly advised that participants make their own arrangements for medical insurance to cover dental, surgical and hospital expenses in case of accident or emergency situations.

English will be the working language of the Conference. No simultaneous interpretation will be provided.


Due to warm and humid weather in Bandung and Banten, participants are recommended to bring light clothing, shoes, and sun protection lotion. Participants are responsible for their own toiletries and personal health care items. Throughout the program, light and casual clothes are recommended.


the State Ministry of Youth and Sport of Republic of Indonesia, National Commission of Indonesia to UNESCO of the Ministry of National Education in Collaboration with UNESCO Jakarta Office, Local Government of Banten and West Java Provinces. The Conference Secretariat is :

The State Ministry of Youth and Sports, The Republic of Indonesia
Committee of International Youth Conference 2009
Jl. Gerbang Pemuda No.3 Senayan Jakarta Indonesia 10270
Telephone and Fax : +62 (21) 5738150/52
Email: asdep31@gmail.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Mr. Suyadi Prawiro
Telp : +6281392033265
Email : Email: nugwir@yahoo.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Mr. Esa Sukmawijaya
Telp : +62 81250991133
Email : esajaya@gmail.com

International Congress and Exhibition on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources

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Country: Bulgaria
City: Sofia, Venue: Inter Expo Center
Date: 14-16 April 2010
1st year of show 2004
Frequency: Annual
Open to Trade visitors

The events aim at presenting on the SE European market new technology, equipment and services, and attracting the public attention to the practical benefits from renewables and the different means to save energy.

With world-known experts invited as key speakers and more than 600 specialists and investors expected to attend, the Congress promises to be a leading event for South-Eastern Europe. The parallel Exhibition will showcase the latest technologies, equipment and products in the field of EE and RES.

The two events give great opportunity not only to exchange valued knowledge and best practices with leading experts from EU but to meet face to face producers and traders from the Region of South-Eastern Europe for development of the local energy sources and for more energy independence by reaching the EU target 20%-20%-20%.

Please find at http://www.viaexpo.com/congress-ee-vei/docs-web/EE_PSR_2009.pdf the Post Event Report for the 5th Congress & Exhibition.

The Focus country for 2010 will be Italy. Germany will be again the strategic partner of the event. The Congress will add also a new hot topic to its program – efficient electro-mobility and solar mobile systems.

Congress 2009: 43 speakers from 12 countries; 400 attendees from 28 countries.
Exhibition 2009: 124 direct exhibitors from 11 countries; 3219 professional visitors from 34 countries.

Exhibits/main sectors:

Energy Efficiency: Cogeneration; Energy-Efficient Equipment and Technologies in Agriculture, Chemical Sector, Industry, Transportation, Utilities; Energy Saving Heating; Energy Saving Technologies for Industrial and Home Lighting; Environmental Monitoring; Environment Protection Equipment Heat, Water and Gas Regulating Equipment; Lighting Controlling Systems; Meters for Heat, Water, Gas Thermal Pumps; Waste Treatment and Disposal; Waste-to-Energy
Energy Efficient Construction: Eco-Friendly Construction Materials; Facade and roof skylights; Passive House and Low Energy Building; Solar-control glazing; Sound and Heat Insulation; Thermo graphics; Walls, doors and roofing
Renewable energy and related systems: Bioenergy; Geothermal, Hydro, Solar, Wind energy; PV systems; Hydrogen technologies, etc.
Services: Consultation; District Heating; Emission trade; Energy certification; Energy Distribution and Storage
Financing; Heat accounting; Media; Retrofitting of buildings; Specialised software

Exhibitors’ profile: Manufacturers, importers, exporters, representatives

Visitors’ profile: Visitors from energy sector, ecology, EE and RES, ministries, municipalities, embassies, banks, financial and consultant services, media, construction, associations and NGOs, petrol and chemical industry, research and education institututions, electrical and electronic equipment, transport, all kind of industry, agriculture and wood processing, mining industry

Organizer/ show management: Via Expo Ltd., 3 Anton Chehov Sq., 4003 Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Phone +359 (0)32/960012, Fax +359 (0)32/945459, e-mail: office@viaexpo.com
Maya Kristeva, Phone +359 (0)32/960012

Preduzetništvo u agrobiznisu- Takmičenje za najbolji biznis plan

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Američka agencija za međunarodni razvoj US AID u Srbiji sprovodi nekoliko projekata koji imaju za cilj podizanje nivoa konkurentnosti domaće privrede, kroz podršku lokalnom ekonomskom razvoju, građenje povoljne investicione klime, i jačanja ekonomske sigurnosti.

Agrobiznis projekat je jedan od projeka koji se trenutno sprovodi u Srbiji, sa budžetom od 24 miliona dolara i ima za cilj podizanje nivoa konkurentnosti, odnosno u krajnjoj instanci povećanje izvoza onih poljoprivrednih sekrora koji su procenjeni kao visoko produktivni. Tu spadaju povrtarstvo, stočarstvo, voćarstvo, proizvodnja aromatičnog bilja, začina, pečuraka i šumskog voća, proizvodnja jagodastog voća, kao i proizvodnja mlečnih prozvoda.

U okviru Agroboznis projekta organizuje se takmičenje za najbolje razvijen biznis plan iz agrobiznisa.

Ovo takmičenje je otvoreno za mladiće i devojke iz cele Srbije, koji su učestvovali u programu USAID Agrobiznis projekta „Preduzetništvo u agrobiznisu“.

Grantovi u vrednosti do 15000 američkih dolara biće nagrada predlozima koji budu imali najbolje razvijen biznis plan, a koji budu bili u skladu sa kriterijumima USAID Agrobiznis projekta.

Rok za podnošenje biznis plana je 5. oktobar 2009.

Više informacija na :Agrobiznis projekat: Program za mlade i za žene , :IRD: Agrobiznis projekat

International Conference of Young Researchers, VII-th edition, November 5-6, 2009, Chisinau, Moldova

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International Conference of Young Researchers, VII-th edition
November 5-6, 2009, Chisinau, Moldova

We are happy to invite you to participate in the VII-th International
Conference of Young Researches, which will take place in Chisinau,
Republic of Moldova, November 5-6, 2009. This multidisciplinary meeting
became a good tradition from 2003. Every year this event gather a
greater number of participants and we are glad that it has such
interest of young researches from Moldova and abroad.

Conference topics:
Section I, Biological and Medical Sciences.
Section II, Chemical, Agricultural and Ecological Sciences.
Section III, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.
Section IV, Economical and Juridical Sciences.
Section V, Humanistic and Art Sciences.

Preliminary registration can be done on-line on the conference web
page - http://pro-science. asm.md/?lang= en&view_conf& co=8&set= link5
The Deadline is September 30, 2009.

Participation fee is 30 EURO and includes conference participation,
conference materials, coffee breaks.
Participation fee for Moldovan participants is 100 MDL, and for
participants from New Independent States - 20 euro

Abstracts will be published till conference date.

Further details are available at -
http://pro-science. asm.md/?lang= en&view_conf& co=8&set= link1

Please do not hesitate to contact conference secretariat, should you
have any further questions.

We look forward to welcoming you in Chisinau this November.

The International Conference of Young Researchers, VII-th edition is
organized by Moldovan Association of Young Researchers "PRO-Science" .

questions to Valeriu Ciorba, (Head of organizational committee)
E-mail: icyr2009@gmail. com
Web: www.pro-science. asm.md

Apply for Oxfam International Youth Partnerships

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Apply for Oxfam International Youth Partnerships (OIYP) 2010 to be held in New Delhi, November, 2010. Partial to full travel, registration, and accommodations scholarships available.

To apply you must be:
aged between 18 and 25 as at 1 October 2010
speak fluent English or Spanish

Application Deadline: 31 December, 2009

Become an OIYP Action Partner!

How does it work?
Between 2010 and 2013, you will have opportunities to develop your skills, knowledge and understanding and to talk and exchange with other young people from around the world. You will be able to use these opportunities to support your work with your community.

Your participation in OIYP will start in March 2010. If selected, you must be available to attend an event in November 2010 in New Delhi, India.

Who are we looking for?
Are you a young person who cares about what is happening in your community? Are you committed to working with others to overcome injustices? Do you want to learn from other young people working with their communities all around the world?

If you answered YES to these questions, would you consider applying to be a member of the OIYP?

OIYP is open to all nationalities, Indigenous and ethnic groups. It is open to young people with any level of education and who live in rural or urban areas. We aim to recruit equal numbers of young men and women. We have a strong focus on the participation of Indigenous young people and those marginalised in their communities.

Apply to be part of OIYP
To apply you must be:
aged between 18 and 25 as at 1 October 2010
speak fluent English or Spanish

Your application will be assessed against selection criteria. Applications close on 31 December 2009.

How do I apply?
You can apply by sending your application with your letter(s) of support from community members or organisations before December 31st 2009 by email, fax or mail

For more information or to download application, go to

Essay Competition: Youth Entrepreneurship in times of crisis

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DEADLINE: September 22nd, 2009

Young people worldwide face difficult labor market prospects. Depending on the region, youth unemployment is easily 2-3 times higher than for adults. Especially in developing countries, the school-to-work transition can be a long and tedious process, during which young people leave school, become jobless and spend time moving between unemployment, inactivity and informal employment. In fact, youth have often been found to effectively act as a "buffer," absorbing shocks disproportionately during negative business cycles, but not benefiting accordingly during economic booms.

In the quest for strategies to boost employment for young people, entrepreneurship is often seen as an important means and a useful alternative for income generation. With most of the overall job creation usually stemming from small enterprises, supporting youth entrepreneurship is now often regarded as an additional way of integrating youth into the labor market and overcoming poverty. However, while it is recognized that the youth years are essential for generating ideas and acquiring the necessary experience to become a successful entrepreneur, young people themselves only make up a small share of all entrepreneurs.

The Y2Y Global Youth Conference 2009 Essay Competition invites youth to share ideas on:

What are the constraints to youth entrepreneurship in your country? Has the global crisis changed the dynamics? How can governments help young entrepreneurs to create and further develop their social and productive ventures?

Please try to answer the following questions in one consistent essay:

1. What impedes young people in your country or community to start their own business or organization? Think about the constraints in terms of socio-economic conditions, culture, education & experience, access to finance & infrastructure, contacts & networks, and regulations. In how far are these constraints specific to youth compared to adults?

2. Did the global financial crisis reinforce some of these constraints? If yes, what are the dynamics?

3. What do you think governments can/should do to strengthen youth entrepreneurship in your country, town or local community? Think about the solutions in terms of the constraints identified above.

The Contest
Answer the question above in an essay of no more than 1500 words.

1) Winner will receive a $1,000 laptop sponsored by LAC Development Marketplace and the opportunity to be published in a World Bank working paper.

2) 2 runners-up will each receive a Y2Y bag and a copy of the film being showcased at the conference this year.

3) The best three submissions will be published on the World Bank Y2Y website.

Read This Before Getting Started…
- Submissions will be accepted starting September 1, 2009
- The deadline for submissions is September 22 , 2009 5:00pm
- Open to participants globally aged 18- 30 (winners will need to provide proof of age)
- Essays must be submitted in English only
- Essays can be submitted as MS Word documents (.doc) or in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
- Only one entry is allowed per person
- All submissions must be the author’s original work, and should not have been previously published anywhere
- Winners agree to have their essay published on the Y2Y website and/or Newsletter
- Winners will be announced on October 13, 2009 and will be encouraged to attend the conference
- Unfortunately, Y2Y cannot sponsor travel or accommodation of any winner who chooses to attend the conference

How/where to submit:
Please submit your essay electronically to y2yessay2009(at)gmail.com

Prize Sponsored by -


For more opportunities for youth in the Latin America & Caribbean Region, visit the Development Marketplace 2010 Grant Competition website to apply to this year's competition entitled

"Youth Developing Opportunities: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Sustainability."


Golden Drum Award for the best student's video on "What is PR"

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As this year’s festival is opening its doors to students to compete for the best and most innovative video presentation on the subject »What is PR?«, the winner for this creative and challenging task will be granted an attractive award, worth every effort to join the competition.

The award for the most creative presentation is a grant in the sum of 8.000 SFR towards a Master of Corporate Communications at the University of Lugano (Università della Svizzera italiana, USI). The two-year MSc in Corporate Communication develops analytical and decision-making abilities for corporate communication, grounded in a sound knowledge of organization, business economics and management. You can find more information about the study program and the university at www.mcc.usi.ch. The winner will need to meet the admission conditions of the University. The prize cannot be exchanged for cash if the winner decides not to enroll in the Università della Svizzera italiana, USI.

The first three students, who will convince the jury with their presentations, will also be able to participate on 13. Slovenian Public Relations Conference – SKOJ (21st – 23rd October 2009) for free.

This surely qualifies as a once in a lifetime opportunity - so, don’t forget – application date is September 17th, 2009.

Golden Drum promises a great adventure to students
In cooperation with SS PRSS (Student Section of the Slovenian PR Association), the Golden Drum Festival is opening for the first time a special competition in the field of PR dedicated to students. They are invited to submit a short video (2 min. max) on the subject “What is PR?”, among which the jury will pre-select the best 10 videos and out of these award the best one.

Countries invited to compete are all EU members, non-EU members and countries in South Eastern Europe, as well as Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Moldova, Russia, Turkey, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

find out more at: Golden Drum

Winter School on China in Africa: challenges and opportunities

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Date: December 14-19, 2009

Site: Wroclaw, Poland

Organiser: Institute of International Studies, University of Wroclaw and Fatal Transactions

Topics: The Winter School is intended to draw together master or doctoral level students of social sciences (political studies, international relations, economics, sociology) who are interested in Africa and wish to learn more about the increasingly complex and far-reaching relations with China, with special reference to natural resource exploitation and trade which to date has been generating the most attention. Around 30 participants from Central and Eastern Europe are expected to come to the event. Candidates are required to be fluent in English, both written and spoken. The Winter School will cover the following topics: 1. Geopolitical rivalries for African natural resources: West versus Asia’s emerging giants (China and India); 2. Economic impact of China’s expansion into Africa: micro/macro perspective; 3. China’s policy vis-à-vis democracy, state reforms and human rights in Africa; 4. Country case studies of China’s rising role in Africa.

Language: English

Fee: University of Wroclaw will cover costs of your stay in Wroclaw (accommodation and meals, see the hotel’s website: http://www.wroclaw.hotelsystem.pl). Please note, however, that travel costs will not be reimbursed.

Deadline: September 30, 2009. Please send your CV and motivation letter, where you explain why you are interested in attending the Winter School, to the following e-mail address:

Contact: Karolina Bieniek

E-mail: fataltransactions@gmail.com

Internet: više informacija