SCiM 2010

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SCIM (Student Conference in Maribor) is the biggest project of the Department of International Affairs at the Student Organisation of University of Maribor. Each year, more than 60 students from different countries are gathered.

SCiM will be held from 28th of June till 8th of July 2010, in second biggest city in Slovenia – Maribor!

Its main topic this year is Poverty and social exclusion. The following workshops will be realised:

* photography workshop,
* video workshop,
* art sculpture workshop,
* theater workshop,
* art drawing and painting workshop,
* creative-trash workshop,
* fashion workshop.

Within these workshops students will prepare exhibition and theatre performance; thus immediate results of our project will be shown.
Application DEADLINE is 7th April at 23.00.

You can find more information on our website or on Facebook!


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From 28 June – 1 July 2010, the Global Humanitarian Forum’s Youth Forum will host its second annual event.

Youth Forum 2010 – Young Adults 4 New Results, entitled “Generations taking on the Climate Challenge”, will take place in Geneva, Switzerland.

Youth Forum 2010 will be held simultaneously and interlinked with the GHF’s high-level centerpiece event, the 2010 Forum. Consequently, attendees of Youth Forum 2010 will engage in dialogue and interact with GHF’s high-level participants.

During the four days of Youth Forum 2010, you will have a chance to:

Share your expertise, experience and knowledge with interesting young adults from all over the world
Engage in true intergenerational dialogue with high-level personalities from across global society
Participate in discussion rounds, plenary debates, workshops and brainstorming sessions
Listen to leading young guest speakers from various sectors
Develop new and action-oriented initiatives with the help of a high-tech idea development tool
Enjoy Geneva and its environment through our various social activities… and legendary parties!

We are looking for young people from many different backgrounds! It does not matter if you are a scientist, a musician, a politician or a cook, a young professional or a student. If you are interested in the overarching topic of the event, then we are looking for you!
150 committed and active international young adults between the ages of 18-30 will be selected as participants through an entry-competition that opened on 1 February 2010. The deadline to submit your application is 1 March 2010.

Stay tuned and receive updates about Youth Forum 2010 and the application process through our newsletter, Twitter and Facebook page!

More inrormation and application form at:

“Enjoy Russian” Russian language school

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We know that lots of people are fond of Russia, its language and culture. We also know that not everyone can afford to visit our beautiful country. That’s why we offer SCHOLARSHIPS for studying the Russian Language in Russia for the most motivated applicants for one of the Russian language summer courses at Russian language school Enjoy Russian. So you can apply for the scholarship, covering the tuition fee in our Summer Russian Language Program in July or August 2010.

What do you need to do?

• fill in the application form at our site before April, 5 2010

• imagine yourself as a great writer and write your composition on one of these topics:
o “Adventures of foreigners in Russia: humor story about your traveling round Russia”,
o “What stereotypes and myths about Russians still exist in your country”,
o “Free composition” - you are free to choose your own topic connected with Russia
• send it by email: before April, 12 2010
The essay could be written in Russian or in English

Who is eligible?
• any person who has taken not less than 300 hours of Russian language in his home country or abroad,
• any person of the age of 18-35 years,
• any person who is not the citizen of the Russian Federation
• any person whose level of Russian is basic or the first certificat

The decision on the candidate who will get the scholarship will be made by a jury, which consists of 3 members and presented at our site on April, 19 2010