Network Meeting-Tiranë

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Start: Friday on 18 December 2009 at 01.00 a.m
End : Monday on 21 December 2009 at 12.00 p.m
Place/Venue: Tirana, Albania
Application Deadline: on 1 December

AEGEE-Tiranë after being revived and gained some experiences on how to organize events is ready now to organize NWM-Tiranë! We’re ready to rock this antenna especially with YOU!

Do you want to see how much Tirana has changed after the fall of the dictatorship?

Do you want to find out more about AEGEE?

Do you want to visit museums, see historic monuments, and be part of the most frequented and famous area: "Blloku". Does the idea of getting closer to the Albanian youth, thrill you?

Do you want to learn how to manage projects, be an active citizen of Europe and use your skills in and out of AEGEE?

Do you want to visit Durrės (most important Port) and Dajti’s Mountain (1612m high)

Are you interested in discussing common issues concerning Balkan and share with us your ideas about solving them? Are you motivated to take some hints how to make the local AEGEE you taking part in, the most recognized?

Are parties your thing?

Then we're in the same boat! Everything is ready; it's you who's missing.

You're about to try by yourself the well-known Albanian hospitality!

Apply now to join Tirana on December, spend some valuable, unforgettable days in our company, and make loads of new friends!
So, what are you waiting for?

Application form:
Name and Surname:
Date of Birth:
Fields of Study:
Visa required or not:
AEGEE experience:

Apply via intranet - or send the application form at this email:

What does fee include?
Fee 35€ includes:
Meals: Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner
Coffee breaks
Workshops and trainings with AEGEE trainers
Guide Tour at Tirana plus Durrës or Dajti’s Mountain.
Museums/excursions/other activities
and a lot of surprises!

Hugs from,

AEGEE-Tiranë Board!

2009-2010 Act NOW! National Playwriting Competition

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Canada’s national playwriting competition on sustainability run by youth that engages young people across the nation to learn, evaluate, innovate and act with a splash of creativity

Do you love writing?
Are you an aspiring playwright?
Are you passionate about the environment?
Do you want a challenge?
Do you have a solution?
The spotlight is on. This is your chance to shine!

Enter with a one-act play on sustainability to win cash prizes and a chance to have your work performed across Canada to more than 10,000 people and aired on Sustainability Television! Partners for this initiative include the UBC Sustainability Office, Terry, and the Playwrights Guild of Canada.

Submission deadline: March 31, 2010
Winners announced on Earth Day (April 22, 2010)

About NOW!
The NOW! Organization bridges people from diverse backgrounds to sculpt innovative, holistic solutions toward social, environmental, and economic
sustainability. Founded in 2006, NOW! is a non-profit organization run by dedicated youth volunteers.

Please visit for more information.


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Kabinet potpredsednika Vlade Republike Srbije za evropske integracije u saradnji sa Evropskim pokretom u Srbiji i medijskim partnerima – dnevnim listom “Pres” i RTS-om, pokreće projekat “Evropa za sve”.

Pozivamo udruženja, institucije, organizacije i građane da kandiduju ljude iz svojih gradova, mesta i sela koji nisu imali prilike da do sada putuju u EU, a koji su svojim postupkom, delom, uspehom, inventivnošću, moralnošću ili hrabrošću zadužili zajednicu u kojoj žive.

Pedeset izabranih kandidata će prvog dana bezviznog režima preći granicu Evropske unije bez vize u svom pasošu i za šest dana nagradnog putovanja upoznati Rim, Berlin, Pariz i Brisel.

Kandidovanje počinje u utorak, 10. novembra, i traje do 25. novembra 2009. godine. Od pristiglih kandidatura žiri će utvrditi konačnu listu kandidata koji odgovaraju uslovima konkursa. Nakon toga, u prvoj nedelji decembra, u specijalnoj emisiji na RTS-u biće organizovano izvlačenje 50 kandidata.

Projekat će voditi Kabinet potpredsednika Vlade za evropske integracije u saradnji sa nevladinom organizacijom Evropski pokret u Srbiji. Projekat su podržali Delegacija Evropske komisije u Beogradu, Ambasada Francuske, Ambasada Italije, Ambasada Nemačke, kao i kompanija Jat ervejz, Aerodrom Nikola Tesla, Banka Inteza i Erste banka.

Projekat „Evropa za sve“ otvoren je za radnike, službenike, poljoprivrednike, naučnike, umetnike, penzionere, studente, domaćice, zaposlene, nezaposlene.

Pozivamo profesionalna i stručna udruženja, kompanije, opštine u Srbiji, nevladine organizacije, državne institucije i građane da kandiduju ljude koji zaslužuju da budu deo projekta “Evropa za sve”.


1. Kandidati mogu biti isključivo osobe starije od 18 godina.
2. Kandidati mogu biti osobe koje do sada nikada nisu putovale u EU.
3. Prijava mora biti praćena preporukom neke institucije, organizacije ili pojedinca koja objašnjava kako su kandidati postupkom, delom, uspehom, inventivnošću, moralnošću ili hrabrošću zadužili zajednicu u kojoj žive.

Uputstvo za prijavljivanje na konkurs možete preuzeti

Prijavni formular za konkurs se nalazi

Prijave slati isključivo poštom na adresu Evropskog pokreta u Srbiji – Kralja Milana 31/II sa naznakom „Evropa za sve“.



Регионални конкурс РЕЧ У ПРОСТОРУ 05 - урамљена реч

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Студентски културни центар, Београд, расписује пети по реду конкурс за младе ауторе (до 30 година) за кратку причу и/или песму.

1. Радови не смеју имати више од 1200 карактера (са проредима).
2. Слати највише по три рада потписана пуним именом и презименом.
3. Радови могу бити објављивани.
4. Радове треба слати на адресу: или поштом, на адресу: Улица Краља Милана 48, 11 000 Београд, Србија.

Конкурс је отворен до 15. јануара 2010. године.
Двадесет одабраних радова биће дизајнирани и изложени у оквиру Априлских сусрета 2010. године када ће бити организовано и њихово јавно ишчитавање или мултимедијално представљање, у зависности од опредељења аутора.

18th CEPR European Summer Symposium in International Macroeconomics

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Roda de Bara, Tarragona, Spain

Deadline: 30 November 2009
Date: 25-28 May 2010
Open to: economists from across Europe and key researchers from outside the region
Scholarship / Financial aid: Funding for all participants' accommodation and meals is ensured

TOL Photo Competition

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The theme of our 2009 competition is “20 Years After the Fall of the Iron Curtain”. We’re looking for photographs that best capture the changes over the past 20 years in Central and Eastern Europe.

TOL Photo Competition
You can enter your photographs under four categories:
- Democracy and politics
- Industry and economy
- Everyday life
- Landscapes and cityscapes

The best entries will be published on the TOL website. If you're looking for some some inspiration, have a look at TOL’s special ‘20 Years After’ website

There will be one first prize and three prizes for runners up.
- First prize €200
- Runners up €50

The competition is open to everyone, of all ages and from all countries. Entries from amateurs and professionals are equally welcome. Each entrant may submit up to four photographs, but no entrant may win more than one prize.

Format for entries
(1) Photographs must be submitted in digital format, as a JPEG file no larger than 3MB, and sent to (If you experience problems sending your picture via email, you can also send it to the address below on a CD-Rom with your name and email on the disc)
(2) Each entrant must submit their full name and contact details: address, email address, telephone number.
(3) Entries should have a short description of what the image shows, its location, the date it was taken and why it is relevant to the competition.

By entering the competition, you agree that you own the rights to the photographs that you submit. Transitions (TOL) recognizes that you own the copyright to your pictures. But by submitting your photographs you agree that TOL has the right to publish the photos on its website and at its events free of charge, as long as it credits you as the photographer.

Closing date
The closing date is December 13, 2009. The winners will be announced within 30 days of the closing date.

The competition is organized by Transitions o.s. (TOL), Baranova 33, 130 00 Prague 3, Czech Republic.

We’re looking forward to receiving your photos!
The TOL Photo Competition Team

Living the network life

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an invitation from the Programme Committee

On behalf of the Programme Committee, it is my pleasure to invite you to the 26th annual TERENA Networking Conference, in Vilnius from 31 May to 3 June 2010, hosted by LITNET, the Academic and Research Network in Lithuania.

Networks are a crucial tool in supporting research and education as well as our economy and society – they provide a competitive advantage for those that use them effectively and reshape our professional and personal lives in countless ways.

Network lifestyles differ from generation to generation, from person to person. Virtual organisations and new forms of collaboration have changed the nature of our interactions. Sensible security and social measures are critical to ensure our well-being in the electronic environment.

When accessing on-line resources, we use our network identity to prove who we are and what we are entitled to do. Trusted and coherent authentication and authorisation systems that are administered locally must be made to interoperate in a way that is globally understood.

The power of a network lies in the services and applications that are offered over the network infrastructure, enabling us to work, learn and play. Without them, the network is of little to no value. Media and content delivery, e-learning and e-research have challenged the paradigms of the research and education community. Grids, cloud computing and storage offer new tools for increasingly demanding applications.

All of this cannot be achieved without a supporting infrastructure to provide an efficient data transport system. To deliver on the users' service requirements, the network infrastructure must constantly evolve with new network technology, network management and network concepts.

These challenges are addressed by leading-edge technologies and innovative services implemented in the multi-domain realm of the research and education networks.

TERENA conferences have been at the heart of developments in European research and education networking for more than two decades. Network and application experts, end-users and corporate partners gather there to share views and lend a hand in shaping the future of networking.

I look forward to meeting you in Vilnius and discovering your network lifestyle.

Signature Programme Committee Chair

Jean-Paul Le Guigner
TNC 2010 Programme Committee Chair

Godišnja nagrada "Dr Zoran Đinđić za mladog naučnika i istraživača" 2009.

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Godišnja nagrada "Dr Zoran Đinđić za mladog naučnika i istraživača" (
u daljem tekstu: Nagrada ) se dodeljuje mladom naučniku i istraživaču
( u daljem tekstu: dobitnik ).

Dobitniku Nagrade dodeljuje se diploma i novčana nagrada u ukupnom
iznosu od 1.000.000,00 dinara.


Kandidate za Nagradu predlažu naučne institucije.

Inicijativu za predlaganje kandidata od strane naučnih institucija
mogu naučnim institucijama uputiti i druge organizacije i pojedinci.

Kandidati za Nagradu moraju da ispunjavaju sledeće uslove:

* da su državljani Republike Srbije
* da su angažovani u realizaciji naučno-istraživačkog programa u
institucijama u APV
* da nisu stariji od 35 godina
* da imaju karton naučno-istraživačkog radnika u bazi podataka
* da prethodno nisu bili dobitnici ove Nagrade

Predlozi za kandidate za dodelu Nagrade podnose se Odboru za dodelu
nagrade ( u daljem tekstu: Odbor ).

Odbor vrši izbor između kandidata i podnosi predlog sa obrazloženjem
Izvršnom veću Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine, koje donosi konačnu
odluku i dodeljuje dobitniku Nagradu.

Ukoliko Odbor utvrdi da nema kandidata koji zaslužuje Nagradu, Nagrada
se neće dodeliti za tekuću godinu.

Najmanje 80% sredstava od dobijene novčane Nagrade mora se koristiti
za neku od sledećih namena: naučno usavršavanje u zemlji i
inostranstvu, učešće na naučnim skupovima sa radom, nabavku naučne
literature ili nabavku opreme.


Kriterijumi za dodelu nagrade su:

- naučno-istraživački doprinos kandidata (posebno u godini za koju se
nagrada dodeljuje)

- indeks citiranosti

- indeks kompetentnosti


Naučne institucije koje predlažu kandidate za nagradu podnose PRIJAVU
koja sadrži:

* lične i opšte podatke kandidata
* obrazloženje predloga i d o k u m e n t a c i j u koja potvrđuje
osnovne navode iz obrazloženja, i to:

- prethodno dobijena priznanja i nagrade (fotokopije priznanja i nagrada )

- podaci o ostvarenim rezultatima rada i usavršavanja ( spisak
objavljenih naučnih i stručnih radova )

* priloge koji potvrđuju ispunjavanje uslova iz Javnog konkursa.

PRIJAVE sa dokumentacijom, naučne institucije podnose na adresu:

Pokrajinski sekretarijat za nauku i tehnološki razvoj

Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 16,

21000 Novi Sad,

sa naznakom za Nagradu ''Dr Zoran Đinđić za mladog naučnika i istraživača''.

Poziv za predlaganje kandidata je otvoren 30 dana od dana objavljivanja.

Kontakt osobe su: Biljana Juribašić, telefon: 021/487-45-75, e-mail: i Slađana Rudić, telefon:
021/487-45-50, e-mail:

Nepotpune i neblagovremene prijave neće se razmatrati.